
For health insurance agents, 2020 has been a very interesting year. You have the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe, turmoil in the United States with the elections coming up at the end of the year and that’s all before we even got to August. It’s easy to see why so many professionals are struggling to adjust to these hectic times and one of the areas many are struggling in is marketing, digital marketing especially. While this may not be on the top of your list of things to work on right now, the fact is that the end of the year will bring millions of Americans who are unsure what to do when it comes to their health insurance.

Whether it’s regular coverage or Medicare, these people will need answers and they will look to agents to find them the best options and solutions that fit their healthcare needs as well as their budget. It’s not a simple task for anyone, even an experienced agent but right now your biggest focus needs to be on how to position or market yourself prior to open enrollment. The first thing you have to understand is that you do not have months to wait. Yes, that period is not here but it can take years to reach the top pages of Google, build email contacts, create quality information to market on social media and establish yourself as an expert in this field. That’s what people will be looking for this year, expert advisement.

If someone meets you or sees your ad somewhere, what do you think they are going to do? Call you? Probably not, the first thing they are going to do is head over to Google and research you. If they do not find information on you or your business you can be sure that they are not going to be interested in calling you because they will question how reliable an expert you are. On the other hand, having strong positions on Google and other sites can not only help you close more deals but can also generate leads for you throughout the year, something every agent will be interested in. Starting with a website and basic Google listings is a great way to establish an online presence and give people information that they can and will utilize when they are debating on whether or not to hire you or one of your competitors so make sure that you do not wait too long to get started.


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