
How Coronavirus Changed Health Insurance Marketing Strategies

The coronavirus has changed everything we have grown accustom to. Whether it’s been altered or put on hold, there is a never-ending list of things that we have to adjust in order to get back to some semblance of normalcy. The same can be said about marketing strategies for health insurance companies, especially agents. The fact is that the end of 2020 will be very interesting considering the influence of the pandemic and also the election.


Are Health Insurance Agents Overlooking The Value Of Millennials?

Millennials are defined as people who were born between the years of 1981 and 1996. That’s a lot of space and even those born within the set years may vary in personalities and grasp on technology. Someone who was born in 1981 will certainly have challenges when it comes to adapting to technology while someone who was born in 1996 will have grown up learning directly during the advancements in technology and as they became more common-place in our society.


Why Agents Need To Do Monthly Newsletters To All Prospects & Clients

Monthly newsletters, especially via email are nothing new and they often get deleted before you even read them. How many times a week do you look at your email and see newsletters from companies you’re familiar with and those you are not familiar with and decide to just delete the message? So, if that’s the case then why should health insurance agents spend their time to generate and send out monthly newsletters? Think about the question again,