Alright, insurance agents—listen up! If you’re in this game, you’re here to close deals, not just shuffle papers. You didn’t get into this business to be average. You’re here to DOMINATE. But let’s be real—if your closing ratio isn’t where it should be, then it’s time to stop playing small and start learning how to lock in those deals like a pro.

Why aren’t you closing more deals? That’s the million-dollar question. Let me tell you right now—it’s not because there’s a lack of clients, it’s because you’re leaving money on the table. So, let’s cut the fluff and get straight to it—here’s how you start closing MORE deals and bringing in MORE commissions. Grab a pen, because we’re going nuts on this one!


1. The Fortune is in the Follow-Up

If you’re not following up, you’re doing it wrong. Period. You think one phone call, one email, or one meeting is going to seal the deal? WRONG. The average sale happens after the 5th follow-up. I’m talking emails, calls, texts—whatever it takes to stay in front of your prospect’s face until they say yes.

Here’s the magic formula:

  • Call within 24 hours of the initial contact.
  • Send a follow-up email 2 days later.
  • Check in with a value-driven message after 3 more days (give them a reason to keep you top of mind).
  • And guess what? Do it AGAIN and AGAIN until they see that working with you isn’t an option—it’s a necessity.

You’re not being pushy, you’re being persistent. There’s a difference. And guess who wins? The one who follows up RELENTLESSLY. If you think following up is annoying, you’ll be real annoyed when another agent swoops in and takes your deal because they stayed consistent while you didn’t.


2. Build Trust, Close Faster

Trust is the currency in this business. People buy from agents they trust—not because of flashy sales pitches, but because they believe you’re the expert who has their back. So, how do you build trust quickly? Simple: over-deliver on value.

Stop talking about features and start talking about what matters to THEM. Understand their pain points and speak directly to them:

  • For Medicare clients, tell them how you’re going to protect their retirement and help them save money.
  • For families, focus on how you’re going to keep them safe and secure with the best coverage for their budget.
  • For individuals, explain how you’ll give them peace of mind while navigating a complicated healthcare landscape.

When you listen more than you talk, you win trust fast. And when clients trust you? The sale closes itself.


3. Be the Expert – They’ll Come to You

Listen—if you’re just another agent throwing out generic quotes and hoping something sticks, you’re done. In 2025, you have to position yourself as the authority in health insurance. People are overwhelmed by choice, and they don’t want to think—they want to know that the person sitting across from them is the one who KNOWS.

So how do you become the go-to expert? Educate yourself. Stay ahead of the trends. Master your products. Know more about the plans than anyone else in the room, and when your client has a question, you’ll have the answer—before they even finish asking.

Pro Tip: Don’t just know your stuff—show them you know it. Share insights, offer free guides, and educate them on things they didn’t even know they needed. When you’re the agent who knows their stuff, clients don’t just buy from you—they come back again and again.


4. Urgency is Your Best Friend

Ever had a client say, “I’ll think about it”? That’s code for “I’m going to ghost you in a week.” You need to create urgency if you want to close deals faster. Here’s the thing—clients need to know that waiting to make a decision could cost them. Not in a scare-tactic way, but in a reality check kind of way.

Tell them straight: “You don’t want to be stuck with the wrong plan or NO plan at all because you didn’t act quickly enough.” Explain the consequences of delaying—rising premiums, missed enrollment windows, or losing out on coverage.

People are wired to avoid risk, and when you show them what’s at stake, they’ll make a decision faster. Urgency doesn’t just push clients to act—it motivates them to trust you because you’re looking out for their best interests.


5. Master Objections Like a Pro

“I need more time to think.” “I’m not sure this is in my budget.” “I want to look at other options.”

Ever hear those? Of course, you have. And if you’re not closing deals because of them, it’s time to change the game. Handling objections isn’t about arguing with clients—it’s about showing them the path to YES.

When a client raises an objection, don’t run from it. Lean into it:

  • I need more time to think.” You: “What exactly do you need to think about? Let’s go over it again so we can clarify everything now.”
  • It’s out of my budget.” You: “Let’s focus on what’s affordable, but still gives you the protection you need. I’ll find a plan that fits.”
  • “I’m looking at other options.” You: “I get it. But here’s why this plan gives you the most value and security compared to what else is out there.”

You’re not just addressing the objection—you’re eliminating it by showing your value and turning their hesitation into confidence. When you’re armed with this strategy, objections become a stepping stone to closing the deal.


6.Follow-Up After the Sale – Referral Machine

Here’s the truth: closing the deal is just the beginning. You know what the real money move is? Turning that satisfied client into a referral machine. And you don’t do that by disappearing after the sale.

Stay in touch, check in, and make sure they’re happy with their plan. Send them updates on industry trends or remind them of key enrollment dates. When you stay top-of-mind, guess what happens? They refer their friends, family, and colleagues to YOU.

Why? Because you didn’t just sell them insurance—you gave them the best customer experience they’ve ever had. And when you follow through on that? Your phone will be ringing off the hook with new clients.


Time to Close Like a Pro

Alright, champ—there’s no more room for mediocrity. You’ve got the tips, the tools, and the strategies to close deals faster and more often. No more excuses. It’s time to go ALL IN.

At Health Plan Markets, we don’t just tell you how to sell—we give you the tools, the training, and the support to make it happen. If you’re ready to level up, book a call today. Let’s talk about how HPM can take your business to the next level.

Get out there and start closing more deals—because the only limit to your success is YOU.

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